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I am a poser geek

Ich muss noch an mir arbeiten, das ist zu hoch...

The Poser Geek
You answered 61% of the questions as a geek truly would.

As a poser geek, you're trying too damned hard. There's a strong
possibility that you think you're a geek because you own your own
computer, however you're truly missing the bigger picture. You
aspirations of being a geek mainly come from your friends, who are
probably slightly cooler.

Get rid of those thick black-rimmed glasses. Being a geek isn't about style, it's about substance!

So what's this all mean? It means you're probably a pretty cool
person. You've probably got social graces and are well liked by many
people. While not a complete conformist, you do prefer to follow along
with popular culture. True geeks probably laugh at you behind your

In a nutshell, you answered most question how you thought a geek
WOULD answer, but your misconceptions deceived you. Truth is, 60% of
people are geekier than you.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 14% on geekness
Link: The True Geek Test written by ambientred on Ok Cupid


Dirks Logbuch am : True Geek Test ...

Vorschau anzeigen
The Deviant Geek You answered 79% of the questions as a geek truly would. You're a geek and you know it. You've got all sorts of fringe hobbies and socially unacceptable tendencies. Chances are, whenever possible, you hate to be grouped with o


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